
6pm支持国卡和转运,但是和drugstore一样,需要按照网站的要求正确填写信用卡账单地址(billing address),即State填写AA,Zip填写99999。

6pm针对国际支付类型的信用卡账单地址(billing address)填写方法说明的网址为:



  1. 如实填写信用卡账单地址,不要填写转运公司地址
  2. Billing Address:填写你的街道地址,公司名称
  3. State:填写AA
  4. Zip:填写99999

那么如何添加你的信用卡信息呢?点击6pm官网右上角的My Account,点击Manage My Payment Types,然后按照要求添加你的信用卡信息即可。



Please note that the following applies to international credit card orders placed on Zappos.com for delivery in the U.S. or a U.S. territory.

Currently we can accept international credit cards on Zappos.com, if you are shipping to a US address or a US territory. However, our order system may not be able to automatically verify your information and we may contact you to perform a manual check.

Go ahead and place your order online and provide a valid email address. We may contact you and request that you fax additional information so that we can process your order. For the billing information simply enter all the information on address lines 1 and 2, for the state enter AA, and for the zip code enter 99999. Once your order is placed online, please notate your order number and refer to this number if you have any questions about your order.

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